Wolf Mountain Speakers

Beneth Perry
Women's Retreats
Beneth Perry has been a pastor’s wife in California for over 20 years. Since 2009, she and her husband Ron have served at Faith Baptist Church in Folsom with their two daughters. Beneth loves teaching her ladies’ Sunday School class, playing the piano, eating chocolate, and being outdoors with her family and German Shepherd Konrad.

Carol Bond
Women's Retreats
Carol grew up in Ames, Iowa in a Christian home with two younger sisters. She attributes her love of travel, camping, and planning to the month-long summer road trips with her family that she fondly remembers from her childhood. She was saved at the age of 5, and is thankful for parents and various ministries who encouraged her spiritual growth.
Carol has been in camp ministry at Ironwood since graduating college in 1984, serving in a variety of positions throughout her time there. Recently, she changed responsibilities to work full time with the Family of Camps program run by Ironwood.
Carol loves travel, learning, history, creating, and her dog Lucy (a Golden Retriever puppy.) She also enjoy motorcycles, backpacking and serving as the treasurer for her church.

Dave Cajiuat
Teen Camps
Pastor David was born in Baguio, Philippines, and raised in Oxnard, CA. He was saved in Italy at Camp Darby while serving in the United States Air Force. After marrying Charlotte (Samuelson) and returning to California, he answered the call to full-time Christian service and enrolled in Ambassador Baptist College, where he received his undergraduate and graduate degrees. Pastor David traveled itinerantly in evangelism for 17 years until Anchor Baptist Church of San Diego (then Metro Baptist Church) called him to be their pastor. He and Charlotte have served faithfully there since March of 2015. Pastor David has also served as a chaplain with the San Diego Police Department since September of 2020.

Denise Cunningham
Women's Retreats
Denise is a pastor's wife, small group leader, mentor, and retreat speaker. She married her husband Dale in 1981. They have three children, two grown children who are both married and one child in heaven. Denise has twin grandsons that are adorable!

Jeremiah Clark
Teen Camps
Jeremiah grew up in a Christian home and was saved as a teenager at summer camp. Not long after being saved he surrendered to full time ministry. After graduating Bible College he married his wife Janelle and they have four daughters. Shortly after getting married Jeremiah became a youth pastor in Indiana for seven years. Since that time Jeremiah has been in the ministry of evangelism, preaching in camps, churches and other ministries. One of his favorite things to do is preach to teenagers.

Lisa Ogle
Women's Retreats
Lisa serves along side her husband as a pastor’s wife at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. They have been married for 37 years and been in ministry for 35 of those years. She is passionate about having a personal relationship with the Lord and helping ladies have the same. They have 3 married daughters, 1 married son and 14 grandchildren.

Rob Watkins
Men's Retreats, Teen Camps
Rob Watkins was born again at 10 years of age, thanks to a bus ministry that took him to church where he heard a clear presentation of the gospel. At fifteen years of age, he sensed God’s call on his life to preach that gospel. While in Bible College he met his wife, Terri, and they were married in 1979. Terri’s father was a pastor, and at 16 years of age she placed her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. They have five children. Bro. Rob has served as a Children’s Pastor, an Interim Pastor, a church planter, a Bible College Instructor, Bible College President and as a Senior Pastor—nearly 35 years of pastoral ministry in all. In 2016, he moved from pastoring a local church into itinerant ministry as an evangelist. The Lord continues to use him in ministry to churches, families, teens and children. His theme verse is I Corinthians 15:58.

Shannon Steuerwald
Women's Retreats
Shannon serves as the President of GSACS and also serves on the board for AACS. Shannon enjoys teaching and is the ladies Sunday School teacher at their church and assists her husband with the singles group. Shannon is mom to three grown children. Shannon grew up at Ironwood Camp and is excited about the ability to serve at camp and school.

Tim Schmidt
Teen Camps
Tim surrendered to the call to be an evangelist at 15. He traveled from his home state of California to North Carolina to train at Ambassador Baptist College, where God brought his wife Megan into his life.They were married in 2003 and graduated college in 2004. They are sent out of the same church Tim grew up in Sacramento County at Faith Baptist Tabernacle of North Highlands. The Schmidts have traveled across America in evangelism for 13 years, sharing the gospel, encouraging Christians, and sharing his God-given burden for prayer and revival.

Bob Brenneman
Men's Retreats, UNCON
Pastor Bob was born and raised in Marion, Indiana. He put his faith in Jesus at the age of nine and was baptized shortly thereafter. He attended Pensacola Christian College where he earned both his Bachelor's and Masters degrees. He has served as a pastor in New Hampshire and Indiana and is currently serving in North Carolina. Pastor Bob and his wife Debbie have three children.

Claudia Barba
Women's Retreats
Claudia has spent over twenty years on the road with her husband as the partner with church planters and assist small or struggling churches across the United States as well as some foreign countries. Before that time, Claudia was a pastor's wife for twelve years and also spent nine years in itinerant evangelism. She and her husband Dave lead Press On! Ministries. Claudia is mother to three grown children and grandmother to seven.

David Brock
Men's Retreats
David Brock is the pastor of Faith Baptist of Cherokee Road in Newberry Springs where he has served since 2015. He is blessed to serve as the Director of Ministry Connect at Ironwood where he helps this camping ministry to better serve local churches and oversees Path2Pastor, a program that assist churches develop apprenticeships for future pastors.
Previously David was an assistant pastor at Tri-City Baptist Church in Chandler, Arizona as their College Pastor from 2000-2007 and then as President of their college, International Baptist College and Seminary, from 2007-2012.
David has had the joy of being married to two amazing women—Tiffany who was an accomplished musician passed away in 2010 and then in 2013 David married Yvonne who was an investigator for the Alaska State Troopers and currently serves alongside of David as wife, mom, and women’s counselor. David and Yvonne have two kids—one in college and one in elementary school. David’s ministry passions are church planting, mentoring future pastors, and discipleship.

Glen Shank
Teen Camps
Glen (Shorty) Shank travels with his family in the ministry of evangelism. Glen graduated from Maranatha Baptist Bible College in 1998 and then married Jennifer in 1999. In June 2000, Glen and his wife moved to Virginia where they served on church staff working with youth, music, teaching in the academy, and serving in other ministries. In 2012, the Lord moved the Shanks into the itinerant preaching ministry where they travel to churches, schools, and camps with the mission of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and the protection of biblical truth. God has blessed Glen and Jennifer with 4 children: Meghan, Joseph, Kately, and Laina.

Jim Ogle
Teen Camps
Pastor Jim Ogle holds an M.Min. degree from Ambassador Baptist College. He became the senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in North Carolina in January 2013. Pastor Ogle served as the youth pastor at Emmanuel from the fall of 1994 until December 2012. He also served as assistant to the pastor in the areas of administrative work and counseling. He has been on the faculty of Ambassador Baptist College since 1997, teaching Youth Ministries classes, an Assistant to the Pastor class, and Fundamentals of Christian Camping. He is currently working on a certification in counseling. He and his wife, Lisa, have been married since 1986 and have worked with teens since 1987. They have a passion for teens as well as a passion to help marriages. They have 4 children and 16 grandchildren. Pastor Jim spent time in the Marine Corps, loves sports--especially football, and loves to explore.

Rebecca Brock
Women's Retreats
Rebecca Brock is a gifted women’s teacher with a passion for the local church and women’s ministry. She graduated from MBU with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts and has since earned an MEd in English and an MA in Bible. Rebecca teaches Expository Teaching for Women and women’s ministry courses in the College of Bible and Church Ministries at MBU where her husband, Bryan, is a Bible professor. The Brock’s live in Oconomowoc, WI with their four children, and are on staff at their local church. Rebecca enjoys bargain shopping, decorating, cheering her children on at sporting events, and sushi dates with her husband!

Robby Dominguez
Robby was born and raised in Vacaville, California. He lived most of his life in Solano County and has been all over the bay area throughout his life.
He met his wife Norma at Wolf Mountain in 2016, and they got married in August 2019. Since then, they have moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Robby graduated from International Baptist College and Seminary with a Bible and Christian Services Degree with a Pastoral Emphasis in 2020. In October of 2022, God blessed Robby and Norma with a beautiful baby girl named Georgeanna. Robby currently serves at Tricity Baptist Church in Chandler as the Academy Youth Pastor.

Stephen Martens
Teen Camps
Pastor Stephen Martens grew up in southern California and now lives in Utah where he has been the pastor at Faith Baptist Church of Utah Valley since May of 2001. Stephen was ordained at FBC in 2001 after completing a 4-year apprenticeship program under his father-in- law, Pastor Glen Moffitt, through Barnabas Baptist Ministries and the CROSS Institute. Stephen and his wife, Danae, have 8 children. Together they enjoy the privilege of serving their church family and the surrounding communities as well
as spending time with young people in both their church youth ministry and in camp ministries. They desire to spend time with young people; seeking to invest in their spiritual growth.