What is a Grubstaker?
In the Old West, some folks became partners with prospectors by "grubstaking," supporting the miners who were searching and digging for a bonanza. After the prospector struck it rich, the grubstaking partner shared in the wealth. Those who become partners with our staff as Wolf Mountain Grubstakers will share not only in the spiritual blessings of today but also in the eternal rewards of the future.
What can you do as a Grubstaker
Pray for Wolf Mountain regularly.
Encourage others to become Grubstakers.
Encourage young people and adults in your church to attend Wolf Mountain camps and retreats.
Make a monthly commitment to give faithfully.
Why are Grubstakers necessary for Wolf Mountain?
Many of the most important decisions young people will ever made are made at a youth camp. Our goal is to keep the price of camp affordable for the average family, especially families who send more than one child to camp. In order to do that, at least one-third of our operating costs must come from donations by churches and individuals.
Most of our current Grubstakers give a little each month, adding up to a substantial help throughout the year. The Grubstaker Program makes it possible for a greater number of young people to come to camp each summer and make decisions for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Donation Levels
$10 per month
$25 per month
$50 per month
$100 per month
Mother Lode
$100+ per month
Click the donate button to give a one-time gift or setup a recurring monthly donation of any amount.