2025 Women's Retreat C
We all enjoy feeling a sense of belonging. I think of a community as a group of people who have something in common. Sometimes, it’s as simple as the place you live. Over time, interacting with the same people at your grocery store or favorite coffee shop can build relationships and a sense of community even if you have little else in common. Other times we belong to communities based on the interests we have—like a gardening club, a quilting circle, or an orchestra or choir.
After Jesus’ resurrection, a new community started—the community of Christians, which led to the start of the church. The best place for a Christian to find a place to belong is in this community. God has given us directives on how to interact with other Christians—the “one anothers” of the epistles. This community is a place for us to use our talents, share burdens, build up, love, serve, forgive, submit to, consider, pray for, speak to…one another. Our community has the opportunity to broadcast the way God makes a difference in our relationships. We just need to obey His commands to interact with each other in a way that honors and glorifies Him. What a light we can be to our other communities!