Summer Ministry
For College Age and Older
Want to change your life forever? Give God a summer of ministry at a Christian camp and see what He can accomplish in you and through your service to Him. In one week's time, you can watch God transform campers' lives; imagine what He could do with you if you give him an entire summer!
Wolf Mountain is located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. We run two summer camp programs: Trailhead, our junior camp facility, and The Claim, our teen camp facility. Each camp is geared toward meeting specific needs of the age groups it serves. Our desire with each camp is to fulfill our mission to reach young people for the Lord Jesus Christ. We always rejoice to see decisions made concerning salvation, full surrender, and consistent Christian walk.
If you are interested in serving with us for a summer, please check out the information on this page and spend some time in prayer. You can fill out our online application which should be a pretty quick and easy process. We look forward to hearing from you. Let us know if we can answer any questions you may have.
High Schoolers, check out our Leadership Live Program
Summer Staff Benefits
New Skills
Training for all staff in biblical counseling
CPR and first aid training for counselors
Food handling training for food service workers
Hands-on experience with tools and machines for the maintenance crew
New Experiences
Mountain setting
Unique section of California
Exciting activities: archery, horsemanship, marksmanship
Other Benefits
Up to $600 travel reimbursement
Room and board
Practical counseling training and experience
Those who sign and return their contract by November 1 are eligible for up to $100 of additional reimbursement for travel expenses
Summer Staff Standards
Must be a born-again Christian
Must sign the doctrinal statement from conviction, not convenience.
Should strive to maintain a growing spiritual walk with God to be ready to minister to the needs of others. This happens through daily personal devotions, spending time in Bible reading and prayer.
In order to be distinct from the world and serve as an example to others of godly living, our staff should maintain a separated position on worldly music, dancing, movies, smoking, alcohol, drugs, bad language, and personal appearance.
Must reflect the testimony of Christ in personal appearance at all times. Clothing must be modest and appropriate for the occasion with all fashions coming to the knee.
Must love young people. The goal of love is to leave the other person better than I found them.
Must maintain loyalty toward camp leaders. No griping; constructive suggestions are welcomed.
Must be faithful, dependable, and responsible. These qualities are not optional.