About Us

Our Beautiful Location
Wolf Mountain is located in California in the beautiful Sierra Nevada foothills between Auburn and Grass Valley, about six miles off Highway 49. Wolf Mountain provides a peaceful, natural, ranch-like setting where kids and adults can receive the caring, compassion, adventure and encouragement that God can provide through the powerful tool of resident camping. The camp mostly serves Northern California residents, but groups occasionally travel from as far away as Southern California, Nevada, Utah, and Washington.
Our Rich History
Since the early 1960s, Wolf Mountain has successfully and powerfully utilized the outdoor setting of summer camp as a catalyst for personal and spiritual growth. Wolf Mountain began when ranchers Dick and Norma Jones started bringing children to their ranch outside Grass Valley for a Christian summer camp experience where children could learn about the animals and activities of ranch life. In 1963, Wolf Mountain Conference Association was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in California to provide an oversight, accountability and non-profit funding organization for the camp.
For more than 60 years, Wolf Mountain has served as a ministry enabling thousands of campers each year to experience the joy and excitement of Christ-centered residential camping. More than 50,000 children and tens of thousands of adults have attended a Wolf Mountain camp program and been blessed by their time here. In addition, many hundreds of Wolf Mountain summer counselors, encouraged by their Spirit-led leadership experiences at the camp, have gone on to serve in full-time Christian ministry.
Wolf Mountain currently provides a number of services, but the primary programs offered can be grouped into four categories: multi-day summer camps for youth, Christian Outdoor & Ranch Education (C.O.R.E.) science camps for school groups, retreats and special events for churches, and guest rentals for facility use by outside Christian groups.
At the beginning of 2011, Wolf Mountain underwent a change in management in an effort to continue ministry in northern California. Check out The Long Story below to read the details of that transition.